Different cars come with different car keys.
Some more sturdy and reliable than others, they are the primary safeguard solution against vehicle theft. An experienced locksmith recognizes at least six types of car keys – how they are crafted, what tools are involved in making replacements, and how dependable they are.
Here’s our cheat sheet to help you understand each:
VAT Keys
VAT stands for Vehicle Anti-Theft and guarantees utmost security.
More than a specific type of car key, VAT is an upgrade that can be added to the blade of any key. The technique relies on custom-made chips with unique codes that prevent VAT keys from being duplicated by a third party. This is their blessing and their curse.
The problem with VAT keys is that they cannot be replaced if stolen or lost. Transponder machines can only replicate the chips used in factory issued transponder keys, and locksmiths are usually helpless when it comes to retrieving chip codes from records.
Smart Car Keys
Smart tech is everywhere, including in both cars and car keys.
Being safe and convenient, this type of car keys allows drivers to access their vehicles remotely, to open and close doors or even start ignition. But just like VAT keys, they are quite difficult to duplicate – the only tested and proven method is complicated code duplication.